Top Pages Help Help Card
This page identifies the most popular Web pages on your site, shows you how often they were viewed, and displays the average length of time the page was viewed.

Top Pages
% of Total Views
Avg. Time Viewed
1 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
15,276 13.98% 12,361
2 Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
12,730 11.65% 11,086
3 Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
11,649 10.66% 10,527
4 Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
11,239 10.29% 10,268
5 HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
11,186 10.24% 10,230
6 alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
11,195 10.25% 10,227
7 Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
4,692 4.29% 4,303
8 Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
4,792 4.38% 4,064
9 Untitled alex_web/pages/relation.htm
3,320 3.04% 3,116
10 Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
3,274 2.99% 3,052
11 Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
2,408 2.2% 2,271
12 Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
2,076 1.9% 1,926
13 After-Results alex_web/pages/results.htm
1,758 1.6% 1,644
14 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
1,659 1.51% 1,571
15 Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
1,556 1.42% 1,456
16 The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
1,244 1.13% 1,187
17 The Battle of Granicus alex_web/battles/granicus.htm
1,233 1.12% 1,182
18 Alexander Movie alex_web/pages/movie.htm
1,284 1.17% 1,177
19 link page alex_web/pages/linkpage.htm
1,122 1.02% 1,011
20 Untitled alex_web/battles/gaugamel.htm
999 0.91% 965
Subtotal For the Page Views Above 104,692 95.87% N/A
Total For the Log File 109,194 100% N/A

Top Pages - Help Card Start of Chapter

Average Time Viewed - Average length of time the specified page was viewed.

Pages - Specific page being analyzed. If the page has a formal title, you will see the title of the page and the URL. Otherwise, you will only see the URL.

Subtotal - Sum of all data rows for each listed page.

Total - Sum of the subtotal and all data that does not appear on the page.

Views - Number of times the specified page was viewed by a visitor. Each page can be viewed more than once by the same visitor, and each view is counted. If you want to ignore repeated page views by the same visitor, look in the Visits column.

Visits - Number of visits that include a view of the specified page. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site, and are counted only once per visit no matter how many pages they look at. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted.

% - Percentage of visitors who viewed the specified page.

Pages with good content and design are more likely to attract visitors and be revisited. Less popular pages on a site can be made more appealing by improving the content or incorporating design elements similar to that on the more important pages. Always remember that people are far more interested in content than in design, and average view times can help determine which content is most important to your visitors.

 Top Documents Help Help Card
This page identifies the most popular documents on your site, shows you how often they were viewed, and displays the average length of time the page was viewed.

Top Documents
% of Total Views
Avg. Time Viewed
1 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
15,274 13.99% 12,359
2 Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
12,730 11.66% 11,086
3 Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
11,649 10.67% 10,527
4 Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
11,239 10.29% 10,268
5 HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
11,186 10.24% 10,230
6 alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
11,195 10.25% 10,227
7 Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
4,692 4.29% 4,303
8 Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
4,792 4.38% 4,064
9 Untitled alex_web/pages/relation.htm
3,320 3.04% 3,116
10 Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
3,274 2.99% 3,052
11 Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
2,408 2.2% 2,271
12 Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
2,076 1.9% 1,926
13 After-Results alex_web/pages/results.htm
1,758 1.61% 1,644
14 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
1,659 1.51% 1,571
15 Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
1,556 1.42% 1,456
16 The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
1,244 1.13% 1,187
17 The Battle of Granicus alex_web/battles/granicus.htm
1,233 1.12% 1,182
18 Alexander Movie alex_web/pages/movie.htm
1,284 1.17% 1,177
19 link page alex_web/pages/linkpage.htm
1,122 1.02% 1,011
20 Untitled alex_web/battles/gaugamel.htm
999 0.91% 965
21 Bibliography alex_web/pages/bibliog.htm
912 0.83% 880
22 Ptolemy and Egypt alex_web/pages/Ptolemy.htm
887 0.81% 842
23 Great battles: Jhelum alex_web/battles/jhelum.htm
758 0.69% 725
24 Seleucus alex_web/pages/Syria.htm
587 0.53% 561
25 EGL What's New alex_web/pages/whatsnew.htm
491 0.44% 470
26 Glossary alex_web/pages/glossary.htm
320 0.29% 300
27 Credits alex_web/pages/credits.htm
161 0.14% 157
28 FEEDBACK FORM alex_web/pages/feedback.htm
77 0.07% 76
29 EGL contact information alex_web/pages/contact.htm
74 0.06% 72
30 The Battle of Issus battles/issus.htm
42 0.03% 41
31 A.J.'s Home Page alex_web/pershome/Adam/
41 0.03% 20
32 alex header frambanr.htm
12 0.01% 11
33 Alexander the Great Site Information siteinfo.htm
14 0.01% 11
34 Alexander the Great history project home page alexfram.htm
12 0.01% 11
35 Alexander the Great Site Menu sitemenu.htm
12 0.01% 11
36 HOT LINK LABEL hllabel.htm
12 0.01% 11
37 Photo Gallery pages/alxphoto.htm
9 0% 9
38 Great battles: Jhelum battles/jhelum.htm
8 0% 8
39 Overview pages/overview.htm
7 0% 5
40 Alexander the Great History Project
6 0% 5
41 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA battles/chaerone.htm
5 0% 4
42 Timeline (small) pages/atgtime.htm
3 0% 3
43 The Battle of Granicus battles/granicus.htm
3 0% 3
44 Untitled battles/gaugamel.htm
2 0% 2
45 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
2 0% 2
46 Timeline pages/timeline.htm
2 0% 2
47 Bibliography pages/bibliog.htm
2 0% 2
48 Parents pages/parents.htm
3 0% 2
49 Ptolemy and Egypt pages/Ptolemy.htm
2 0% 2
50 link page pages/linkpage.htm
1 0% 1
Subtotal For the Page Views Above 109,157 99.98% N/A
Total For the Log File 109,170 100% N/A

Top Documents - Help Card Start of Chapter

Average Time Viewed - Average length of time the specified page was viewed.

Documents - Specific document being analyzed. Documents are pages that were defined as "documents" in Options. Typically, pages are defined as a document if the content is static, such as complete HTML pages. However, you can define dynamic pages and forms as documents if you choose.

Subtotal - Sum of all data rows for each listed page.

Total - Sum of the subtotal and all data that does not appear on the page.

Views - Number of times the specified document was viewed by a visitor. Each document can be viewed more than once by the same visitor, and each view is counted. If you want to ignore repeated document views by the same visitor, look in the Visits column.

Visits - Number of visits that include a view of the specified document. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site, and are counted only once per visit no matter how many pages they look at. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted.

% - Percentage of visitors who viewed this document.

Pages with good content and design are more likely to attract visitors and be revisited. Less popular pages on a site can be made more appealing by improving the content or incorporating design elements similar to that on the more important pages. Always remember that people are far more interested in content than in design, and average view times can help determine which content is most important to your visitors.

 Dynamic Pages & Forms Help Help Card
This page identifies the most popular dynamic pages and forms executed by the server, and shows you how often they were viewed.

Dynamic Pages & Forms
% of Total
1 alex_web/ 2 8.33% 2
2 alex_web/battles/ 22 91.66% 1
Subtotal For the Dynamic Pages & Forms Above 24 100% N/A
Total For the Log File 24 100% N/A

Dynamic Pages & Forms - Help Card Start of Chapter

Dynamic Pages - Pages that are generated from a database based on values selected by a visitor. They are generated with variables, and do not exist anywhere in a static, predictable form.

Forms - HTML pages which pass variables back to the server. These pages are used to gather information from visitors. Also referred to as scripts.

Page - The specific dynamic page or form being analyzed.

Subtotal - Sum of all data rows for each listed page.

Total - Sum of the subtotal and all data that does not appear on the page.

Views - Number of times the specified dynamic page or form was viewed by a visitor. Each page can be viewed more than once by the same visitor, and each view is counted. If you want to ignore repeated views by the same visitor, look in the Visits column.

Visits - Number of visits that include a view of the specified dynamic page or form. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site, and are counted only once per visit no matter how many pages they look at. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted.

% - Percentage of visitors who viewed this dynamic page or form.

Pages with good content and design are more likely to attract visitors and be revisited. Less popular pages on a site can be made more appealing by improving the content or incorporating design elements similar to that on the more important pages. Always remember that people are far more interested in content than in design, and average view times can help determine which content is most important to your visitors.

 Top Entry Pages Help Help Card
This page identifies the first page viewed when a visitor visits your site. The most common entry page is usually the home page, but other common entry pages include specific URLs that go directly to a particular page.

Top Entry Pages
% of Total
1 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
49.36% 11,271
2 Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
10.08% 2,302
3 Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
9.17% 2,096
4 Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
6.31% 1,442
5 alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
3.81% 872
6 HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
2.99% 683
7 Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
2.91% 665
8 Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
1.52% 348
9 Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
1.51% 347
10 Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
1.32% 303
11 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
1.28% 294
12 Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
1.2% 275
13 The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
1.14% 262
14 Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
1.1% 252
15 Alexander Movie alex_web/pages/movie.htm
0.85% 196
16 Untitled alex_web/pages/relation.htm
0.8% 184
17 The Battle of Granicus alex_web/battles/granicus.htm
0.69% 158
18 After-Results alex_web/pages/results.htm
0.62% 143
19 Ptolemy and Egypt alex_web/pages/Ptolemy.htm
0.58% 134
20 Untitled alex_web/battles/gaugamel.htm
0.38% 88
Total For the Pages Above 97.73% 22,315

Top Entry Pages - Help Card Start of Chapter

Entry Page - The first page a visitor sees when entering your Web site. To qualify as an entry page the visit must start with a valid page type. If a session starts at a file with a different type (such as a graphic or sound file), the file does not count as an entry page, and the session is not included in the total. Such sessions are often the result of other sites referencing a specific downloadable file or graphic on your site. In these cases, a session may have a single hit to a non-page file, and will not be counted. Also, Web servers do not always log hits in perfect chronological order. For example, a hit to a GIF file can appear in the log before the hit to the HTML page that refers to this GIF.

Page - Specific page being analyzed. If the page has a formal title, you will see the title of the page and the URL. Otherwise, you will only see the URL.

Visits - Number of times the specified page was the entry page. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

% - Percentage of times this page was the entry page compared with other entry pages.

This information can indicate how you might want to optimize the architecture of your Web site based on where your visitors are entering. It can also help you determine which external links are most effective. Consider updating meta-tags and links.

 Top Entry Files Help Help Card
This page identifies the first hit from a visitor visiting your site. This is most likely the home page but, in some cases it may also be specific URLs that go directly to a particular file or page.

Top Entry Files
% of Total
1 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
40.72% 11,124
2 Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
7.49% 2,047
3 Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
7.23% 1,976
4 Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
5.07% 1,386
5 alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
3.05% 835
6 alex_web/graphics/elephant.gif 2.87% 785
7 HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
2.37% 649
8 Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
2.22% 607
9 alex_web/graphics/alxmecu.jpg 1.37% 375
10 Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
1.23% 336
11 alex_web/graphics/alxgld1.jpg 1.21% 333
12 Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
1.2% 330
13 alex_web/graphics/alxarm.jpg 1.06% 291
14 Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
1.02% 280
15 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
1.01% 277
16 alex_web/graphics/ie_static.gif 1.01% 276
17 alex_web/graphics/embtyp2.gif 0.95% 261
18 Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
0.95% 261
19 The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
0.94% 257
20 Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
0.89% 244
Total For the Requests Above 83.94% 22,930

Top Entry Files - Help Card Start of Chapter

File - Refers to the first file loaded to a visitor's browser. Contrast this with the first page loaded to a visitor's browser, displayed on the Top Entry Pages page. The entry page for some visitors is not a formally defined page (such as a graphic or sound file), so the information in this table and graph include all first hits regardless if the hit was on a formal page or not.

Visits - Number of visitors whose first hit was the specified file.

% - Refers to the total numbers of visits.

Consider what catches the attention of visitors most quickly and effectively.

 Top Exit Pages Help Help Card
This page identifies the last page visitors viewed before leaving your site.

Top Exit Pages
% of Total
1 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
26.32% 6,010
2 Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
13.2% 3,014
3 Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
8.18% 1,869
4 Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
6.48% 1,481
5 Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
3.63% 830
6 Untitled alex_web/pages/relation.htm
3.45% 789
7 Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
3.4% 778
8 Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
3.11% 712
9 Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
3.01% 688
10 Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
2.87% 657
11 HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
2.85% 652
12 Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
2.57% 589
13 After-Results alex_web/pages/results.htm
2.54% 581
14 link page alex_web/pages/linkpage.htm
2.5% 571
15 alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
2.3% 527
16 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
1.9% 436
17 Bibliography alex_web/pages/bibliog.htm
1.76% 404
18 The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
1.65% 378
19 Alexander Movie alex_web/pages/movie.htm
1.43% 327
20 The Battle of Granicus alex_web/battles/granicus.htm
1.24% 284
Total For the Pages Above (only visits starting on a valid document type are included) 94.49% 21,577

Top Exit Pages - Help Card Start of Chapter

Exit Page - The last page a visitor views before leaving your Web site. To qualify as an exit page the visit must end with a valid page type. If a session ends on a page with a different type (such as a graphic or sound file), the file does not count as an exit page, and the session is not included in the total. Such sessions are often the result of other sites referencing a specific downloadable file or graphic on your site. In these cases, a session may have a single hit to a non-page file, and will not be counted.

Pages - Specific page being analyzed. If the page has a formal title, you will see the title of the page as well as the URL. Otherwise, you will only see the URL.

Visits - Number of times the specified page was the exit page. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

% - Percentage of times this page was the exit page compared with other exit pages.

You can use this information to determine your visitors' satisfaction with their visits. Visitors may have left after viewing a specific page because they found what they were looking for, lost interest, determined the content didn't apply to them, or for many other reasons. If your top exit page is your home page, this may be an indication that you are alienating a lot of first-time visitors.

 Single Access Pages Help Help Card
This page identifies the pages on your Web site that visitors open, then exit from, without viewing any other page.

Single Access Pages
% of Total
1 Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
44.56% 4,881
2 Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
19.83% 2,173
3 Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
3.44% 377
4 Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
2.71% 297
5 Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
2.51% 276
6 Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
2.24% 246
7 Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
2.19% 240
8 THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
2.12% 233
9 Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
2.01% 221
10 The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
1.99% 219
11 Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
1.76% 193
12 HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
1.73% 190
13 Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
1.72% 189
14 Alexander Movie alex_web/pages/movie.htm
1.61% 177
15 The Battle of Granicus alex_web/battles/granicus.htm
1.19% 131
16 Ptolemy and Egypt alex_web/pages/Ptolemy.htm
1.07% 118
17 After-Results alex_web/pages/results.htm
1.05% 116
18 Untitled alex_web/pages/relation.htm
0.85% 94
19 alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
0.68% 75
20 Seleucus alex_web/pages/Syria.htm
0.67% 74
Total For the Pages Above 96.04% 10,520

Single Access Pages - Help Card Start of Chapter

Single Access Page - A page on your Web site that visitors open, then exit from, without viewing any other page. To qualify the visit must be to a page that is a valid page type. If the visit is to a file of a different type (such as a graphic or sound file), the file does not count as a single access page, and the visit is not included in the total. Such visits are often the result of other sites referencing a specific downloadable file or graphic on your site. In these cases, a visit may be a single hit to a non-page file, and will not be counted.

Pages - Specific page being analyzed. If the page has a formal title, you will see the title of the page as well as the URL. Otherwise, you will see only the URL.

Visits - Number of times the specified page was a single access page. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

% - Percentage of times this page was a single access page compared with other single access pages.

This information can be helpful when considering the design of the site with respect to the kind of visitors you attract. Consider how well these pages convey your message. Do they need improvement to extend visits, or is it possible that are you attracting the wrong visitors?

 Top Directories Help Help Card
This page lists the most common directories accessed by visitors to your Web site. This information can help determine the types of data most often requested.

Top Directories
Path to Directory
% of Total Hits
Non-cached %
Non-cached Kbytes
1 /alex_web/graphics 238,132 68.35% 88.27% 4,828,861 23,578
2 /alex_web 73,345 21.05% 87.21% 165,609 17,374
3 /alex_web/pages 28,274 8.11% 92.57% 191,677 12,122
4 /alex_web/battles 8,591 2.46% 94.78% 844,150 3,965
5 /alex_web/pershome/Adam 41 0.01% 100% 106 20

Top Directories - Help Card Start of Chapter

Hits - Number of hits to files within the specified directory. A hit is a single action on the Web server as it appears in the log file. A visitor downloading a single file is logged as a single hit, while a visitor requesting a Web page including two images registers as three hits on the server; one hit is the request for the .html page, and two additional hits are requests for the downloaded image files. While the volume of hits is an indicator of Web server traffic, it is not an accurate reflection of how many pages are being looked at.

Non-cached Kbytes - Number of non-cached kilobytes of data transferred.

Non-cached % - Percentage of hits that were not already in the visitor's browser cache.

Path to Directory - The full URL path to the directory being analyzed.

Visits - Number of visits to pages within the specified directory. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

% of Total Hits - Percentage of hits to the specified directory out of hits to all directories.

These trends indicate the content visitors are most interested in. Use this information to determine which content areas to develop further, which areas to focus on less, and how you can arrange your content most effectively.

 Top Paths Through Site Help Help Card
This section identifies the paths visitors most often follow when visiting the site. The path begins at the starting page and shows the following consecutive pages viewed.

Top Paths Through Site by Starting Page
Starting Page
Paths from Start
% of Total
All Entry Pages
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
21.37% 4881
  1. Photo Gallery alex_web/pages/alxphoto.htm
9.51% 2173
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
  3. Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
  4. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
  5. alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
2.53% 579
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
  3. Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
  4. Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
  5. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
1.72% 395
  1. Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
1.65% 377
  1. Timeline alex_web/pages/timeline.htm
1.3% 297
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
  3. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
  4. alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
  5. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
1.21% 277
  1. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
1.2% 276
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
  3. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
  4. Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
  5. Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
1.15% 263
  1. Tactics and weaponry alex_web/battles/tactics.htm
1.07% 246
  1. Timeline (small) alex_web/pages/atgtime.htm
1.05% 240
  1. THE BATTLE OF CHAERONEA alex_web/battles/chaerone.htm
1.02% 233
  1. Overview alex_web/pages/overview.htm
0.96% 221
  1. The Battle of Issus alex_web/battles/issus.htm
0.95% 219
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
  3. alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
  4. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
  5. Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
0.95% 218
  1. Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
0.84% 193
  1. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
0.83% 190
  1. Parents alex_web/pages/parents.htm
0.82% 189
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
  3. alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
  4. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
  5. Alexander the Great Site Menu alex_web/sitemenu.htm
0.8% 184
  1. Alexander the Great History Project alex_web/
  2. Alexander the Great history project home page alex_web/alexfram.htm
  3. HOT LINK LABEL alex_web/hllabel.htm
  4. alex header alex_web/frambanr.htm
  5. Alexander the Great Site Information alex_web/siteinfo.htm
0.8% 184

Top Paths Through Site - Help Card Start of Chapter

Path Through Site - The path a visitor takes from the entry page to the exit page.

Paths from Start - With the exception of the starting page, this column lists all the pages in the top paths taken through your site. These lists are grouped so that more than one row has the same starting page. To see the starting page for each of these lists, look in the Starting Page column and find the first entry up from the Paths from Start row.

Starting Page - The first page, or entry page, in the full path visitors take through your site.

Visits - Number of times the specified path was followed.

% - Percentage of times that the specified path through your site was followed out of all listed paths through your site.

Use this information to evaluate the design of your Web site. Where do your visitors go once they reach your site? Which pages are visited first? Do your visitors appear to be looking for pages that should be more accessible?

 Most Accessed File Types Help Help Card
This page identifies the types of files accessed on your site. Cached requests and erred hits are excluded from the totals. The types of files accessed are listed in decreasing order.

Most Accessed File Types
File type
1 gif 204,236 3,987,470
2 htm 97,269 381,151
3 jpg 5,983 841,391
4 mov 1,037 820,292
5 html 21 99
Total Files & Kbytes 308,546 6,030,401

Most Accessed File Types - Help Card Start of Chapter

File Type - Identifies types of files by their three-character extension. For example, a file named graphic.gif is identified as type 'gif'.

Files - Number of files of the specified type accessed by visitors to your site.

Kbytes - Number of kilobytes of data transferred for all files of the specified type.

This page provides general statistics about the type of data visitors access on your site.

[NetIQ Corporation]

This report was generated by Log Analyzer v7.0a (Build 1351)

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Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.