Visitors by Number of Visits Help Help Card
This page shows the distribution of visitors based on how many times each visitor visited your site.

Visitors by Number of Visits
Number of Visits
Number of Visitors
% of Total Unique Visitors
 1 visit 15616 83.81%
 2 visits 1697 9.1%
 3 visits 474 2.54%
 4 visits 265 1.42%
 5 visits 140 0.75%
 6 visits 90 0.48%
 7 visits 45 0.24%
 8 visits 34 0.18%
 9 visits 26 0.13%
10 or more visits  245  1.31%

Visitors by Number of Visits - Help Card Start of Chapter

Number of Visitors - Number of unique individuals who came to your site the amount of times specified in the Number of Visits column.

Number of Visits - The number of visits, beginning with one and increasing by increments of one, being analyzed in the other columns.

% of Total Unique Visitors - Percentage of unique visitors who came to your site the amount of times specified in the Number of Visits column.

This information can indicate whether or not your site compels visitors to return. Updating Web site content is one way to draw return visitors.

 Top Visitors Help Help Card
This section identifies the IP address and/or domain name and their relative activity level on the site. If you do not use WebTrends cookies to track visits on the site, WebTrends cannot differentiate between hits from different visitors of a same IP.

Top Visitors
% of Total Hits
1 236 0.06% 134
2 174 0.04% 133
3 188 0.05% 88
4 147 0.03% 88
5 162 0.04% 84
6 147 0.03% 82
7 123 0.03% 80
8 186 0.04% 76
9 118 0.03% 73
10 116 0.03% 72
11 103 0.02% 72
12 153 0.04% 72
13 121 0.03% 71
14 99 0.02% 70
15 159 0.04% 70
16 138 0.03% 70
17 113 0.03% 70
18 80 0.02% 69
19 148 0.03% 67
20 100 0.02% 66
Subtotal for Visitors Above 2,811 0.75% 1,607
Total 373,329 100% 30,463

Top Visitors - Help Card Start of Chapter

Hits - Number of hits from the specified visitor. A hit is a single action on the Web server as it appears in the log file. A visitor downloading a single file is logged as a single hit, while a visitor requesting a Web page including two images registers as three hits on the server; one hit is the request for the .html page, and two additional hits are requests for the downloaded image files. While the volume of hits is an indicator of Web server traffic, it is not an accurate reflection of how many pages are being looked at.

Visitor - If cookies are enabled, this column will display the cookie from the specified visitor. If cookies are not enabled, and the IP address of the visitor can be resolved, this column will display the resolved IP address of the specified visitor. Otherwise, this column will display the non-resolved IP address of the visitor.

Visits - Number of times the specified visitor visited your Web site.

% - Percentage of hits from the specified visitor.

Use this information to find out which individuals visit your site the most and how frequently they visit.

 Top Geographic Regions Help Help Card
This page identifies the top locations of the visitors to your site by geographic region.

Top Geographic Regions
Geographic Regions
1 North America 17,245
2 Region Unspecified 11,114
3 Australia 655
4 Western Europe 593
5 Asia 249
6 Middle East 176
7 Eastern Europe 155
8 Northern Europe 105
9 Pacific Islands 72
10 South America 58
11 Region Not Found 16
12 Caribbean Islands 9
13 AfricaSouth 9
14 Central America 3
15 AfricaEast 3
Total 30,462

Top Geographic Regions - Help Card Start of Chapter

Geographic Regions - The location of visitors to your Web site.

Visits - Number of visits from the specified geographic region. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

This information can help you meet the needs of your target audience as well as discover new audiences. Consider how you can make the content comprehensive and relevant to an international audience.

Note: The geographic region of the visitor is determined by the suffix of their domain name. Use this information carefully because this information is based on where the domain name of the visitor is registered, and may not always be an accurate identifier of their actual geographic location. For example, while a vast majority of .com domain names are from North America, there is a small minority of .com domain names that exist outside North America.

 Most Active Countries Help Help Card
This page identifies the countries with your most active visitors.

Most Active Countries
1 United States 16,748
2 Australia 648
3 Canada 433
4 United Kingdom 198
5 Netherlands 114
6 Saudi Arabia 106
7 Singapore 88
8 Poland 76
9 Italy 75
10 New Zealand (Aotearoa) 69
11 Mexico 64
12 Belgium 59
13 Germany 47
14 Norway 45
15 Greece 39
16 Thailand 35
17 Israel 32
18 Sweden 30
19 India 29
20 France 27
Total 18,962

Most Active Countries - Help Card Start of Chapter

Countries - The country of origin for visitors to your Web site.

Visits - Number of visits from the specified country. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

This information can help you meet the needs of your target audience as well as discover new audiences. Consider how you can make the content comprehensive and relevant to an international audience.

Note: The geographic region of the visitor is determined by the suffix of their domain name. Use this information carefully because this information is based on where the domain name of the visitor is registered, and may not always be an accurate identifier of their actual geographic location. For example, while a vast majority of .com domain names are from North America, there is a small minority of .com domain names that exist outside North America.

 Most Active Organizations Help Help Card
This page identifies the companies or organizations which visited your site most often.

Most Active Organizations
% of Total Hits
1 6,697 1.79% 2,870
2 22,377 5.99% 1,420
3 15,619 4.18% 1,103
4 10,937 2.92% 710
5 8,004 2.14% 629
6 8,368 2.24% 590
7 6,298 1.68% 422
8 514 0.13% 365
9 6,034 1.61% 336
10 4,632 1.24% 281
11 3,825 1.02% 273
12 1,097 0.29% 254
13 3,699 0.99% 241
14 3,281 0.87% 222
15 2,503 0.67% 218
16 3,515 0.94% 211
17 2,983 0.79% 176
18 549 0.14% 174
19 1,970 0.52% 141
20 241 0.06% 139
Subtotal For Organizations Above 113,143 30.3% 10,775
Total For the Log File 373,329 100% 30,463

Most Active Organizations - Help Card Start of Chapter

Hits - Number of hits to your site from the specified organization. A hit refers to a single action on the Web server as it appears in the log file. A visitor downloading a single file is logged as a single hit, while a visitor requesting a Web page including two images registers as three hits on the server; one hit is the request for the .html page, and the two additional hits are requests for the downloaded image files. While the volume of hits is an indicator of Web server traffic, it is not an accurate reflection of how many pages are being looked at.

Organizations - The specified organization or company being analyzed. If the DNS lookup option is set to "Always" or "Automatically," WebTrends searches for the domain name in the company database, and includes the company name and geographic information in the graph and table. If reverse DNS lookups are not performed, either by WebTrends or by the server, only IP addresses are listed. The table lists companies and organizations in decreasing order of the number of visits.

Subtotal - Sum of all data rows for each listed organization.

Total - Sum of the subtotal and all data that does not appear on the page.

Visits - Number of visits to your site from the specified organization. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

% - Percentage of total hits from a visitor inside the specified organization.

Determine how your Web site can be improved according to how businesses use your site. Consider how your product can be made more attractive to organizations that have shown interest.

 Top-Level Domain Types Help Help Card
This section provides a breakdown by types of top-level domains (Commercial, Organization, Educational, etc.). This information can only be displayed if reverse DNS lookups have been performed, and the percentages refer to the total of hits for which the organization type can be determined (some IP addresses cannot be resolved to a domain, and therefore an organization type cannot be determined).

Top-Level Domain Types
Top-Level Domain Type
% of Total Hits
1 Network 122,953 59.5% 8,641
2 Commercial 65,189 31.54% 7,402
3 Education 10,317 4.99% 646
4 Organization 6,117 2.96% 396
5 Military 995 0.48% 84
6 Government 718 0.34% 48
7 Arpanet 291 0.14% 24
8 International 56 0.02% 3
Total for Known Top-Level Domain Types 206,636 100% 17,244

Top-Level Domain Types - Help Card Start of Chapter

Hits - Number of hits from a visitor with the specified top-level domain type. A hit is a single action on the Web server as it appears in the log file. A visitor downloading a single file is logged as a single hit, while a visitor requesting a Web page including two images registers as three hits on the server; one hit is the request for the .html page, and two additional hits are requests for the downloaded image files. While the volume of hits is an indicator of Web server traffic, it is not an accurate reflection of how many pages are being looked at.

Top-Level Domain Type - The type of organization, determined by the top-level domain (the three-digit suffix of the URL). Possible suffixes and types include the following:

.com = Commercial
.edu = Educational
.int = International
.gov = Government
.mil = Military
.net = Network
.org = Organization

Visits - Number of visits to your site from the specified type. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

% - Percentage of total hits from someone from the specified organization type. The percentages refer to the total number of hits for which the organization type can be determined. Some IP addresses cannot be resolved to a domain, and therefore the organization type cannot be determined. This information can be displayed only if reverse DNS lookups have been performed.

Consider what types of organizations are most interested in your site and how you can attract other types.

[NetIQ Corporation]

This report was generated by Log Analyzer v7.0a (Build 1351)

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