Ref. number: K0L0-J6
Ref. number: 3ZW5-N1
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!Married first, Owen Evans, 1734; Harlan Genealogy, page 16. Owen
Evans names wife,Mary as his executrix, 7 August 1747 - 1 October
1747; Chester Co., PA abstract of wills and administrations, Kennett
township, page 267. Sarah Harlan names daughters Charity Baldwin,
Mary Evans in will, 1747/48; Chester Co., PA abstracts, Kennett, p. 276.
Hugh Laughlin marries Mary Evans, 27 October 1748; Records of Holy
(Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, DE, papers of Historical Society of
DE, IX, page 405. Hugh Laughlin and Mary his wife, executrix of Sarah
Harlan, dec'd...; 19 September 1749, Chester Co., Orphans's Court,
Book V, page 48.
Marriage Notes for Hugh LAUGHLIN and Mary HARLAN-1130
1 REFN F987
Ref. number: K0L0-6G
Ref. number: G94Z-1N
Ref. number: K0JS-RH[HISTORY.GED]
Ref. number: LXXB-6T
Ref. number: K0L0-B5
Ref. number: LXXB-71
Ref. number: K0L0-DH
Ref. number: LXXP-2N
Ref. number: K0L0-FN
Ref. number: K0L0-GT
Marriage Notes for James LAUGHLIN and Elizabeth -1148
1 REFN F993
Ref. number: K0L0-H1
Ref. number: K0L0-KC
Ref. number: K0L0-LJ
Ref. number: K0L0-MP
Ref. number: CGJT-SK
Ref. number: 3ZW5-N1
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!Married first, Owen Evans, 1734; Harlan Genealogy, page 16. Owen
Evans names wife,Mary as his executrix, 7 August 1747 - 1 October
1747; Chester Co., PA abstract of wills and administrations, Kennett
township, page 267. Sarah Harlan names daughters Charity Baldwin,
Mary Evans in will, 1747/48; Chester Co., PA abstracts, Kennett, p. 276.
Hugh Laughlin marries Mary Evans, 27 October 1748; Records of Holy
(Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, DE, papers of Historical Society of
DE, IX, page 405. Hugh Laughlin and Mary his wife, executrix of Sarah
Harlan, dec'd...; 19 September 1749, Chester Co., Orphans's Court,
Book V, page 48.
Marriage Notes for Owen EVANS and Mary HARLAN-1130
1 REFN F980
Ref. number: 3ZW5-0K
Custom Field:<_FA#> 11 Jan 1649/50MONKWEARMOUTH, DURHAM, ENGLANDBr�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2,Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Apr 9, 1996]
!Settled in Co. Down, Irelandbefore marriage in 1678. First 4 children
born Co. Down; then to America in 1687. Bought land in New Castle, DE in
1686; sailed from Belfast. Settled at Centreville, DE. Provincial
in DE in 1695. Bought land higher up Brandywine in 1698/99 and settled
what is now Pennsbury township, Chester Co., PA. Member of Colonial
in 1712. Janet Conrow Palo quotes records of Newark Monthly Meeting,
Book of Lurgan Meeting, Armagh and History of Chester Co., p. 587.
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!Settled in Co. Down, Ireland before marriage in 1678. First 4 children
born Co. Down; then to America in 1687. Bought land in New Castle, DE in
1686; sailed from Belfast. Settled at Centreville, DE. Provincial
in DE in 1695. Bought land higher up Brandywine in 1698/99 and settled
what is now Pennsbury township, Chester Co., PA. Member of Colonial
in 1712. Janet Conrow Palo quotes records of Newark Monthly Meeting,
Book of Lurgan Meeting, Armagh and History of Chester Co., p. 587.
Baptised at the Monastery Monkwearmouth in Oald England (Monkwearmouth
Monastery was founded by Benedict Biscop in the year 672, it is situated
ina town of the same name in the east division of LChester co. Durham,
and one half mile north of Sunderland. it is at the mouth of the river
Wear. In 1790 the parish registers were destryed by fire. March 11, 1650
was when he was christened.
Came to America from Ireland in 1687, dropped theD in the name after
coming to America, they took ship at Belfast. They has bought lands
before coming in the Co. of New Castle.
Ref. number: 3ZW5-1Q
Marriage Notes for George HARLAND and Elizabeth DUCK-1154
1 REFN F1009
Ref. number: PKP1-GL
Ref. number: 7882-F4
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!Firstwife died shortly after birth of first child, William in 1702,
in New Castle Co., DE. Remarried Ruth Buffington and lived in Kennet.
He was farmer and large land owner. Appointed constabel in 1706.
Tradition says he died of smallpox while in England settling his
father's estate. Value of Ezekiel's estate set at L508,17s. See
Alpheus H. Harlan genealogy.
Ref. number: JGN0-W7
Ref. number: 3ZW5-TV
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!Livedwith her father in Kennet until her marriage in 1701 to Samuel
Hollingsworth.He was one of the 11 commissioners appointed in 1728
to run the line between Chester Co. and newly formed Lancaster Co.
In 1735 he owned land and lived near George Harlan, on west side of
Brandywine, 5 or 6 miles from Willmington. Justice of Peace at that
Ref. number: 3ZW5-V2
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!Aftermarriage, settled first in Kennet, then to London Grove. Went
to Lancaster Co. (now Adams) in 1738 where they remained. See Alpheus
H. Harlan genealogy.
Ref. number: 3ZW5-W7
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1, 1996]
!William Webb, husband, was Justice of the Peace, member of the
the Assembly, activein public affairs. See Alpheus H. Harlan
Ref. number: BS6C-65
Ref. number: 3ZW5-ZK
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Apr 9, 1996]
!Married by a priest, contrary to Friends. Settled first on land
on Brandywine, given to him by father. Moved to Nantmeal twp, Chester
Co., about 1727. Left 1731, probably for Frederick Co., VA. Died
after 1760. See Alpheus H. Harlangenealogy.
[Br�derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1871, Date of Import: Nov 1,1996]
!Married by a priest, contrary to Friends. Settled first on land
on Brandywine, given to him by father. Moved to Nantmeal twp, Chester
Co., about1727. Left 1731, probably for Frederick Co., VA. Died
after 1760. See Alpheus H. Harlan genealogy.
Ref. number: PG2H-F6
Ref. number: 3ZW6-0P
The Submitter for Volume 2, Tree 1871 provided the following contact address:
SANTA ROSA, CA 95404Ref. number: 3ZW5-2W
Ref. number: 3ZW5-33
Marriage Notes for Samuel Heald and Mary BANCROFT-1175
1 REFN F1025
Ref. number: 3ZW6-22
Ref. number: PQ7V-P5
Ref. number: 3ZW6-4D
Ref. number: 3ZW6-5K
Ref. number: 787W-NN
Ref. number: 3ZW6-6Q
Ref. number: 3ZW6-83
Ref. number: 3ZW6-7W