Hackney Archives CD-ROM V1.0 Readme.txt 12/17/97 This CD-ROM contains a variety of data gleaned from the family archives. Most files are common industry standard formats and can be viewed or opened by a variety of programs. Formats include: *.doc Microsoft Word files *.JPG JPEG picture files (Most of the JPG files in the FISH folder are of a progressive encoding type and my not open in your viewer. You can download a free copy of Paint Shop Pro from JASC, Inc. which will open these files and allow you to re-save them in a format your viewer supports.) *.PSD Adobe Photoshop 3.0 files. These files were used in the creation of the 1998 Amboy Heritage calendar. *.VSD Visio 3.0 files. *.TTF This is a truetype font file that you can load into Windows 95. It is the font used in the creation of the 1998 Amboy Heritage calendar. *.cc3 Calendar Creator Pro files. Used to format the calendar. *.ce3 Calendar Creator Pro event list files. This is the birthday list file. For questions contact Douglas Hackney or Scott Larson.